Les détails

in short

Tony’s mission of eradicating exploitation in the chocolate industry, Tony’s 5 Sourcing Principles and our leadership team’s obligation to uphold these are already embedded in Tony’s Articles of Association.

Tony’s Mission Lock is a legal independent structure that is given a golden share (aka a non-economic stake) in the company (Tony’s Chocolonely). This gives them the power to prevent any legal changes to the definition of Tony’s mission, Tony’s 5 Sourcing Principles or any other mission-related articles.

This structure is overseen by 3 independent Mission Guardians whose sole responsibility is to protect Tony’s mission. They act as a public point of contact for any stakeholder concerns and will jump into action to hold Tony’s leadership team to account through several public and judicial escalation levers should a mission drift occur.

This mechanism effectively and irrevocably locks Tony’s impact for as long as the company exists, regardless of the company’s shareholder structure. Download the guide to read more about the details

the guide

To inspire businesses to apply the same or a similar governance model to their companies, we created an open-source guide with a comprehensive outline of the details behind the Tony’s Mission Lock structure.

Download the guide
How it works